Monday, July 11, 2011

Being Funny

So blogging is a pain in the ass. I've discovered that writing is hard work. And I've also discovered that I'm a bit allergic to work. I break out in a case of sweating and exhaustion almost every time I'm exposed to it. As a result I spend the majority of my work day hiding under my desk. Work allergies are covereed under the American's with Disabilities Act right? So I'm safe? I'll ask HR.
So that's my lame excuse for why I haven't been posting anthing here regularly. Maybe things will liven up when I move? Maybe they won't? Who knows. All I know is I'm going to quit trying so hard. Writing comes much easier when you don't force it. (I could totaly go for a poop joke there but I'm way too mature for that.)

Haha who am I kidding? I love bathroom humor.
I think I've been trying so hard to come up with witty, funny, and hopefully (all poop jokes aside) intelligent stuff to say to impress you all that it has kindof overshadowed the fact that I should just be putting stuff out there.
You see I like making people laugh. I'm happy and having a good time when everyone else is happy and having a good time. This is why I come to work on Fridays with a 30 pack and hand them out to all the cubicles I pass on my way to mine. Except for the accounting department, they look down on PBR. The beer snobs.
Beer...from a can? How quaint.

The problem is trying to be funny and junk all the time is it gets in the way of just writing and putting words on paper (just kidding I don't use paper) (subtle bathroom humor #2). There are days where I don't feel like being funny or smart; where funny and smart people should get bricks thrown at them because I'm not feeling funny and smart so neither should they. I guess the struggle is to find a balance. On the one hand there's the desire to entertain and make people laugh or think, on the other hand the desire for unfettered self-expression, and in the middle somewhere is a happy medium. The trick is finding it.
Streaking: The perfect balance between humiliation for others amusement and self expression